Back problems

The back problem is now widely found among all the age groups, such as; children, young adults, and elders. It can be of numerous types and never be dealt with lightly. The back of the human body includes the spinal cord, which plays a vital role in the nervous system. If the spinal cord is damaged, a person loses the ability to move. Sometimes, back problems can cause severe injury to the spine.


The back problem might start with mild back aching that can worsen to banging, burning, or jabbing situations. Furthermore, the problem might get deepened and restrict an individual to routine activities such as standing, bending over, lifting, twisting, or walking.

When is it essential to visit a physician?

  • Back problems can be dealt with home remedies and precautions. However, if the problem lasts more than weeks, an individual must not consider this pain a normal indicator and rush to the doctor for advice.
  • Similarly, one must also get in touch with the doctor if the discomfort does not improve with rest.
  • Moreover, the feeling of numbness or tingling-like sensation in the legs is a red signal that requires immediate medical attention.
  • Likewise, if the person encounters bladder problems or fever, one must visit the doctor on a priority basis to get medical or physio treatment.


Several causes of back pain include the following:

  • Strain: A strain is a pain in a muscle or tendon. Tendons are the hard, fibrous hoops of tissue that adjoin the muscle to the bone. In case of a back strain, the muscles and tendons which support the spine are curled or ripped.
    • Treatment: The treatment may include the rest and the use of ice packs on the discomfort area. Moreover, the doctor can also prescribe nonsteroid and anti-inflammatory drugs to cure the back problem.
  • Sprain: A sprain is the extension or rippin of a ligament that are the fibrous groups of tissue that unite the bones at an origin and stave off the unreasonable activity of the joint.
    • Treatment: The treatment is similar to strain, such as icing, medication, and rest.
  • Bulging or rupturing disks: The backbone disk acts as a pad between the two bones, and its damage can lead to severe back problems.
    • Treatment: In moderate pain, the physician will prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine. While if the pain exceeds for days, the doctor may prescribe steroid injections after examining an X-ray.
  • Arthritis: It is the swelling and stiffness of joints. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis. In case of a back problem, arthritis intakes the shrinking ability of the space surrounding the spinal cord and causes narrowing, which is named spinal stenosis.
    • Treatment: The treatments of arthritis include rest, physical treatment, warm or stiff compresses, union safety, workout, and medications. While surgery can be the last option to treat joint injury.
  • Osteoporosis: It is a bone disorder caused by a deficiency of thickness and capacity. It directs to the bones weakening and may result in fracture.
    • Treatment: Multivitamin supplements and workouts can be used to treat osteoporosis.

Diagnosis of Back Problem

The doctor will examine the patient physically by testing his ability to sit, stand in the correct posture, and walk. The doctor may conduct the following exams to diagnose the back problem;

  • X-ray: This would indicate any problem related to the damaged bone or highlight arthritis. The physician may conduct other tests as well.
  • MRI or CT scan: This would aid in the diagnosis and examination of any damage to the tissues, ligaments, bones, nerves, and muscles.
  • Blood tests: This would help diagnose any infection or circumstance that causes pain.
  • Bone scan: The physician might conduct a bone scan to highlight osteoporosis-related fractures or bone tumors.
  • Nerve studies: Electromyography (EMG) estimates are the electrical tendencies generated by the nerves and the reactions of one’s muscles. This exam can verify nerve contraction caused by herniated disks or shrink of the spinal stenosis.

Prevention of Back Pain:

To prevent back pain, an individual must avoid lifting heavy objects. He must sit smartly without bending for a longer time and stand in the correct posture to prevent increased or worsening back pain. Furthermore, one must maintain a healthy weight to eliminate disease risk. Similarly, a person must eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly to keep the muscles active and healthy.

Risk Factors: Following is the risk associated with back pain:

  • Back pain and mental health: Encountering any pain, specifically back pain, can damage mental health. It can also cause stressful situations, anxiety, and depression.
  • Back pain and physical activities: Due to back pain, one feels reluctant to perform routine tasks such as bending, sitting, stretching, and other normal activities. Moreover, lack of exercise can increase the risk of the following diseases;
  • Diabetes: A long-lasting condition that badly influences the body’s ability to convert nutrition into energy.
  • Cardiovascular disease: This disease affects the heart and the blood vessels. Moreover, it also causes instabilities in blood pressure.
  • Obesity: Obesity is a complicated disease that boosts the danger of other diseases and health crises, such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.


  • retrieved on March 29, 2022.
  •,balance%2520exercises%2520are%2520all%2520important.&ved=2ahUKEwjN0pfQrN32AhXFwAIHHebgCysQFnoECAQQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3HRIs0q-dmy0YAzsvN-M0M retrieved on March 29, 2022.
  • retrieved on March 29, 2022.
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  • retrieved on March 29, 2022.
  • retrieved on March 29, 2022.
  •,blood%2520pressure%2520and%2520certain%2520cancers.&ved=2ahUKEwiRndn4wN32AhXxR_EDHXMOAQgQFnoECAQQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3Ip8boYFBKZKGx6JiW4QYy retrieved on March 29, 2022.

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